12 Tips On How To Take Great Holiday Photos

Check out these awesome 12 tips on how to take great holiday photos! When you’re on holiday you will often see things that will make you think, 'Wow that would make a great photograph - or even a better canvas print!'. But actually capturing a decent picture of what you see can be easier said than done. If you want to improve your travel photography and come back from your trip with better pictures, you're in the right place! 1. Capture local elements Most destinations around the…
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How to Take Print-Quality Photos With Your Phone

In this fun article, we learn how to take print-quality photos with your phone! Before the days of smartphones — if you can remember such a time — taking a great photo was a labour-intensive process. You'd have to buy a fancy camera and editing software for your desktop computer, and on top of that invest some serious time and energy into learning how to use it all. But, thanks to our mobile devices and the editing apps that come with them, we can now take high-quality photos a…
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